Things I (f31) didn't expect to struggle with while planning a wedding

My (f31) wedding is in one month and I'm really looking forward to this. Still, there are some things I struggle with, some surprising to me. Perhaps, someone else can relate:

  • Fights with fiance (f33) feel wrong: Ever since the engagement, every time my fiancé and I have a disagreement or a fight, this little voice in me tells me I'm doing something wrong. We're getting married. Shouldn't we be on cloud nine all the time?
  • Invitations: Deciding whom to invite felt like rating all my friendships and deciding how important they are to me. With some, this was easy. With others not so much. We moved right before our engagement and I feel like we didn't invite some people who are now much closer to us than some of the people we did invite.
  • I postpone disagreements with friends till after our wedding: We invited only our closest friends to our wedding. Currently, I'm disappointed in one and angry with another. But I don't want to bring it up before our wedding because I feel like since they are our closest friends, any disagreement reflects negatively on my friendships. Like I need to proof myself that inviting them was the right thing to do.
  • Constantly feeling like there is something to do: Our lives are busy as is, so we opted for a location that organizes a lot for us. Still, I have this list in my head and even on weekends, I can't relax because I want to tick it off. Even worse: Some of the things I can't tick off just yet, so there is always something.
  • Making weddings a constant topic in conversations: I'm among the very first in most of my friend groups to get married. Whenever I catch up with friends, I get asked about the planning which turns into a conversation about weddings. I sense, and in some cases know, that weddings and marriage are a sensitive topic. Some of my friends wait for a proposal but their partner isn't on the same page. Others don't like weddings at all. Then some realize - because of our wedding - that we're ageing and really stressed out about that. I don't enjoy talking about my wedding all the time, and I hate the thought that my personal decision is stressing other people.
  • Feeling judged: In my social stratosphere, marriage isn't as approved as it used to be. Many of my friends don't want to get married. Some associate it with the unfair distribution of care work yada yada. I have one friend who really couldn't understand why I chose to get married. Not because she doesn't like my partner but because she thinks I'm too modern for that. Sometimes, upon meeting new people and referring to my partner as my fiance, I sense their opinion on my shifting as they place me in a box of traditional women, hence not progressive.