Is anyone else overwhelmed by nutritional misinformation online/ figuring out what to eat?

I’m vegan for the animals, but I have to watch the specifics of my diet for health reasons.

Trying to find actual scientific facts and nutritious recipes is needlessly difficult. There is so much anti-science misinformation, and in some cases purposeful disinformation to push whatever garbage fad diet the recipe writer is trying to sell you.

I have a genetic cholesterol condition as well as a bladder/ bowel disorder. I’m so sick of trying to find healthy recipes, only for Google to give me pages of “plant based” recipes telling me that I have to cut entire macros out of my diet, or else I’ll get Everything Cancer and die before I’m 40. Or “plant based” diets that recommend exclusively cooking with animal fat??

NHS/ stuff from my GP feels outdated and clunky to follow, and is often conflicting or not suitable for vegans at all.

I see so much conflicting info about protein (complete vs incomplete vs whateverthefuck), but also stuff like grains and oils. Even trying to figure out the basics like rice, lentils, beans. Different sources say they’re great/ they’re evil/ they’re nutritious/ they’re empty calories.

Some sources say oats are incredible, some say they’re shit and should be avoided. Some sources say vegetable oil is a heart healthy choice, others say avocado (even though a lot of heart related stuff says avoid avocados??)

I know a lot of this should be common sense, but if you’ve ever tried the FODMAP diet, you’ll know that sometimes food makes no sense whatsoever. There’s no way to tell which foods are high FODMAP without looking it up. It’s made me paranoid about accepting nutritional information at face value.

I just want to eat heart healthy food that doesn’t make my entire tract scream at me, that supports an active lifestyle and doesn’t cost ££££ 😭 I’m so jealous of rich people who can just pay someone else to think about all of this

Every day I have to decide what to eat 😭😭😭