The only thing that makes people socially acceptable is not being ugly

I’ll look at everyone around me say annoying shit. Like there’s a tall above average looking guy I work with and girls are always flirting with him asking when he’s coming in to work and whatever but her actually annoying. Like he’ll make weird noises and make moaning sounds and I’m ALWAYS shocked how no one says anything about it. They laugh or just ACCEPT him as he is

When I’m minding my business or even try having causal small talk I get the dirtiest most uncomfortable and disrespectful looks from people even when I say normal shit and it pisses me off because it’s those reactions that’s made me closed off, reserved, and feeling like I’m not allowed to talk to people

At my other job people make noises and say weird shit and people laugh and play off of it…. But when I say hey they look at me as if I made the weird noises they made……. It’s just ass backwards but made me realize that the only difference between everyone else being socially accepted and not me really is just appearance

Because how can you be socially outcasted when you’re not doing anything, minding your business, or being pleasant and / or actively trying to make connections and talk to people

And I’m jealous because deep down I’m JUST like these people. I can make weird noises, I find some of the stuff they say to be funny, but they don’t care because im ugly so to them I’m not one of them and deserve to be outcasted

I just hate how everyone is allowed to be close and laugh but when youre ugly you’re left out of that but people gaslight you into thinking you’re really THAT different from them when it’s just your appearance they don’t like or approve of