TIFU by discovering a phobia of mine mid date

Alt for obvious reasons.

So I recently started working out and getting into shape after years of staying inside like a slug, for the first time in my life i'm paying more attention to my appearance and hygiene and i finally have the confidence to start genuinely thinking about dating for the first time. I finally felt it was time I downloaded an online dating app, and I started casually perusing the local dating scene. Didn't get many matches, but with enough time eventually matched with a 4/10 qt.

Our conversation kicks off and i realise we actually have quite a lot in common. Anime, videogames, lightsabers, etc. After a few days of chatting we agree to meet up for a date at a local diner. The time comes for the date and i'm wearing some of my new clothes, feeling sharp and confident. We meet for the first time and she looks more gorgeous than in her pics, she has this sweet intoxicating aroma of perfume that follows her. We sit down and make some small talk and order some food. The date's going well so far and I'm pleasantly surprised about how i'm holding up my end of the conversation.

The food arrives and we start eating, I'm quite hungry so i get stuck into my meal. About halfway through I stop eating and look up to look at my date as she's eating her spaghetti bolognaise. Whilst I'm looking at her I have a sudden thought....

Every bit of food passing her lips will eventually be shat out of her other end eventually, likely tomorrow. As she sits in front of me right now she literally has shit inside her.

After this thought arises I get so disgusted and become too conscious of the situation i've gotten myself into, and immediately, I become excruciatingly aware of how out of my depth I am. This made me start to panic, my breath drawing shallow and face hot.... the walls started to feel like they're getting closer and closer.

Eventually she looks up and sees me panicking "....are you okay? you look like you've seen a ghost,"
"YES, FINE," I respond as my eyes dart around scanning for an egress point to exit. "I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM."

I get up too quickly, and my knee hits the table sending our glasses tumbling, tears start welling up in my eyes from the pain of the impact. I end up making a beeline for the bathroom but at the last second make a yaw 90 degrees to the right and go straight for the exit, it's pretty obvious I'm sobbing by this point. I pass by the table with my date and she's staring at me in complete bemusement. I get to the door, exit, and make a dash straight for my car.

Unfortunately, this is when I realise I left my keys and wallet inside on the table. I decide I can't face her again, not after that, so I decide to just wait it out by hiding around the back of the diner, looking out for when she leaves so i can go back in and grab my keys. Eventually I see her come walking out. Stupidly, I make a sound as i'm peeking around the corner of the building and she notices me, "hi , i bought your keys and wallet for you since you seemed to forget them. also, I paid for the bill since it seemed like you weren't coming back". So I slowly walk up without making eye contact with her and take them. Fuck, she really couldn't have just left them inside to spare me the embarrassment? Snatch them and run to my car and drive off, my face burning the reddest it's ever felt.

After this episode I spend the rest of my week in my room, all these months of confidence building and working out down the drain. how am i ever meant to talk to a member of the opposite sex without being permenantly and acutely aware of this incident?

TL;DR: freaked out by overthinking whilst on a date and now I don't know how to get past this.