this is so bizarre to me

I know she’s not necessarily an “influencer” in the way that someone who grew their following on instagram/tiktok is — but this is so weird and cringey to me? why is she posting asking for businesses to give her free items/services for her birthday party…? posting on your instagram story asking for sponsors for you to party feels very tacky to me. buy it yourself babe, you’re making plenty of money atp to fund your own birthday party

I know she’s not necessarily an “influencer” in the way that someone who grew their following on instagram/tiktok is — but this is so weird and cringey to me? why is she posting asking for businesses to give her free items/services for her birthday party…? posting on your instagram story asking for sponsors for you to party feels very tacky to me. buy it yourself babe, you’re making plenty of money atp to fund your own birthday party