My 7 year old daughter texting me at bed time…
For context… this made me giggle. She’s a little dramatic but we love her nonetheless. Today she came home from school, played outside until 6pm, ate dinner, did homework, bath. She then chose to play with her brother for an hour before bed (7-8p). I told her several times and she knows this well, you get to choose how to use your last hour before bed. I do not allow screen time past 7:30 even though she hasn’t used her iPad all day.
I told her when she went to lay down around 7:50 that she couldn’t have her iPad because she still had to brush her teeth, we would read a book and go to bed. Her iPad is locked / blocked from 8pm-7am roughly? She still can text but that’s it. These are the messages I got after she laid down lol..