Weird issue with media/audio possible windows issues

I'm running windows 10 on a system that I built, and having a weird intermittent issue and taken some steps to try and resolve them.

After pc runs for some time (time inconsistent and temps stable) audio will entirely fail through any output. YouTube will buffer but not load a new video, vlc refuses to open (regardless of source HD), Also had my Windows 10 lose its activation but when I linked my account it resolved unknown is related. Also one of my SSDs was lost by windows for a short time. When shutting down or resetting the PC never fully shuts down or resets, must be force killed by holding case button (windows closes but mob, and fans remain on)

I have replaced my audio card, updated drivers, audio and video. I have replaced my headset, audio card and Mobo. I have ran Tronscript to see if it was a windows issue. hard restarting fixes issue for some time but then it recurs.

Really at then end of my knowledge. The only thing I can think is fresh install windows on a new HD. hoping to avoid those drastic measures if possible