Anyone experience tattoo remorse? (Not tattoo regret)

Hey everyone,

Background: I just sat my 3rd 8 hour session yesterday to work on my arm sleeve, posted elsewhere on Reddit but saw the rule for no cross posting so I won't share the work.

I love it.

When discussing the cost with some friends who are not fans of tattoos, they baulked at the price ($5k+ USD total cost).

I've never splurged on anything like this before.

I didn't take the cash from my joint accounts with my wife. I quietly saved it over a period of time, always putting the family first, our investments and mortgages etc. The money spent was purely from my own fortnightly stipend that we allocate ourselves for personal spending/enjoyment.

I love my currently unfinished tattoo, I'll have another 1.5 sessions to round off the shading and it's a new look for me, my first tattoo is a full sleeve. I decided to do this after my 40th birthday.

Question: It's not regret I feel, rather I feel remorseful as the money could obviously have been spent better elsewhere, placed into the offset, invested, a joint holiday for my wife and I, house renovations, retirement funds, stock market.

Do you every feel guilty for spending on tattoos which largely are just for our personal indulgence?

Thanks for your time!

Edit: Thank you to everyone who has shared their views with me on this topic. The tattoo community is a new community for me and I'm loving it so far 🥹🥹🥹

As someone who has focused heavily on being fiscally responsible the last 10+ years, I'll allow myself to enjoy this present for myself for my 40th 😊