*Sigh* new patch

Im really perplexed on what kind of game the devs want this to be. The new shop changes are not fun. In fact I played maybe an hour today and none of it was fun.

Ever since hitting diamond the queue times are atleast 8-10 mins. And when it starts to get to the 10 min mark I'm usually paired with people who are silver or bronze. Who just don't know how to play the game because the way the game is marketed to new players (if you could even call it marketing) is misleading.

Supervive on the surface is a team battle Royale. But to play optimally, you need to split up and farm solo in the early game or you'll be significantly behind enemy teams.

It can feel like the only option especially when you're behind is to travel along the edge of the ring just to stay alive long enough to get a positive ante.

I had so much fun playing this game up until this and the last patch. And I just can't bring myself to play ranked if all I'm going to be doing is babysitting my team because the game fails at telling them how to play it.

I'll check back in next patch I guess. Or maybe I'll just play casually. Until the shop changes feel comfortable. But everything as it stands now feels so sluggish. Like there's more obstacles to get to the meat of the game. And I'm not sure why that decision was made?