FUCK stubhub
Fuck stubhub. we ordered 2 tickets 2 1/2 months ago as soon as i heard tyler, the creator was coming to phoenix. spent a decent CHUNK on GA floor tickets. the DAY OF the concert, we called stubhub customer service probably 4-6 times throughout the day and each time we were assured and REASSURED we would get the tickets on the day of the concert in a timely manner. well past 4:00pm (the time we were told each fucking time that the tickets would be sent) and all of a sudden, we checked the information panel while at the event venue and SURPRISE! we were presented with a message saying something along the lines of “yeah sorry, the seller no longer has the tickets you ordered available.” what the actual fuck????
as a result, they’re now also refusing to issue a refund. on top of that, my only other option was to buy tickets at the venue that have an obstructed view. i am in tears. i was so excited for this concert. customer service is completely fucking useless. it’s just a bunch of useless stupid fucks on the other end of the phone, and it’ll take you well over an hour to speak to anyone in management. eventually, when we did get through to a manager, they were useless as well. SO! that being said, if you value your time/money, avoid them like the fucking plague.
EDIT** let me specify on the reason for no refund. StubHub offered replacement tickets instead of a refund at first, and claimed that we “accepted” said replacement tickets and subsequently refused to give a refund. they’re saying we not only “viewed” them but accepted them, thus, no refund 🥲 trust me when i say my fiancé was on the phone with customer service for the better part of 2 hours, and even the manager argued this.