Would I have issues transferring "in-kind" from Vanguard to Charles Schwab if I do it too often?
Basically, there is a Vanguard ETF I've been optimistic on for the last few years (VGT specifically), that's made me tons of money since the tech crash. I use Schwab for my regular trades, hold a lot of VGT there, and would like to continue doing so. However, Schwab doesn't allow partial ETFs, so I've made a Vanguard account just so I can buy partial VGT shares through the month. Ideally, I'd like to view everything in one place (that place being Schwab, since that's where all my other stuff is). Would anything bad happen to me, whether it's Vanguard closing my account, or me having some tax issues, if I were to just buy fractional VGT shares on Vanguard and then immediately transfer them "in kind" to Schwab, so I have everything in one place? And what is the limit for behavior like that? Thanks.