Leggy Lamb Sponsorship Request


Leggy Lamb, fresh from nothing at all about 6 seconds' screen time in a 50s cartoon before being revitalized thanks to Minus8, has grown a fair bit since her testing debut (550 lines all the way up to 880), and in the opinions of her creators, is ready for sponsorship. If you'd like to see her in the main game, please feel free to give her a play and take notes in the following areas; if not... well, you can feel free to say as much in the comments.

If you want to see her in, but feel intimidated by the sponsorship process, you can still feel absolutely free to share your thoughts; this shouldn't feel like homework, after all.

Played with:

Game(s) result(s):

Newly Added Value: Try to list 3 things that Leggy adds to SPNatI; art, personality, interactions, dialogue, or anything else that you like but don't see much of are all fair game.

Flaws Observed: List here anything you either didn't like about Leggy overall, or something you think must be fixed before sponsorship. Perhaps some lines seem "off", or there's an art glitch. Note that "she's a sheep" can be placed here but that basically means you're unwilling to sponsor her due to that. If you didn't notice many flaws to place here, feel free to write up a wishlist for future updates.

Discussion: A section for more of a free form discussion of her; anything is fair game here, though it should focus more on Leggy in her current state. This can be about anything you'd like.

Suggestions: Any ideas, suggestions, or critiques that you'd like to see, but aren't opposed to giving sponsorship before their inclusion.

While I don't think it needs to be said, anything can be put up as a critique; maybe you want to see more interactions with a specific character, or some custom poses, or you just want to say "beep beep". I'll hear anything out. But, please, have a grand time playing her, whether you sponsor or not.