What is the best affordable Discovery Medical Aid Scheme for recent Graduate Employee?

I (27M) recently secured a job as a Graduate Data Analyst in Cape Town. They offered me the choice between two medical schemes: Discovery or Momentum. After reviewing their options, it appears that Discovery offers more extensive benefits compared to Momentum. The company is willing to contribute R2k towards the medical aid plan of my choice. I'm considering selecting Discovery, but I'm unsure which plan would be the best fit for me.

Discovery offers Smart plans, including Classic, Essential, and Essential Dynamic, which I find quite interesting. Classic Smart seems to be the preferable option as it provides more comprehensive coverage, but in terms of cost, Essential Dynamic Smart sounds good. Any thoughts?

There are price differences for these plans as well? So for Classic Smart:

  • Main member: R2,627

For Essential Smart:

  • Main member: R1,881