I don’t know how to stop interrupting people while speaking
So recently my partner and I were having a conversation, and he was talking to me about something and I interrupted him with a joke and he raised his voice a little and said “ you always have to interrupt me, I am tired and still trying to be energetic so we can have a good conversation but you have to keep interrupting me it makes me feel like nothing I say is important to you”. After hearing that I was too stunned. I think one of my friends pointed it out a while back but I have horrible memory so I forgot, then I realised I do it quite a lot and I apologised, but he was very visibly annoyed which made me feel even worse. I asked him for some time and I would make the effort but all he say was “ To me Words mean nothing when they aren't backed my actions, I can be as patient as you want me to Doesn't mean I let everything fly”. I don’t really know what to do :( I just asked for some time and him to be more patient as I genuinely did not realise that I was being so annoying. I don’t want to be annoying and irritating anymore :( What do I do How do I stop, I feel like i don’t wanna talk anymore by how hurt he was. Any advice is helpful :>
PS: thank you for all the comments!! You guys are being very sweet I appreciate it a lot 😭🫶🏼