Luke warm take: "Coaches" are garbage
My bank recently made a huge error and declined my mobile phone payment. On the first, so it was over the weekend. My phone provider kept presenting the charge and my bank kept declining it, and at the end of the day, I had upwards of 16 pending transactions showing in Simplifi.
After I recovered from my heart attack, and after I called the bank. And the phone provider. And the bank again. I finally got it sorted.
Skip ahead to Tuesday: I check my bank and all the extra pending transactions are gone, with one transaction cleared - NOT pending. Cleared.
As we all know, Simplifi loves nothing more than to retain pending transactions forever, never letting them go, even after they've dropped off with your bank. So after taking the precaution of logging out and in a few times, refreshing, etc. and seeing they were still there (as expected), I deleted all the "ghost" pending transactions, linked the cleared transaction to my recurring bill, and called it a day.
Cut to this afternoon, after getting multiple notifications that my available to spend would be below my threshold, and I check Simplifi...
The transaction - the CLEARED transaction - was gone. The bill was showing as overdue (so Simplifi was subtracting it again from my "available"). I flip out. Check my bank. It's there. A whole, real, cleared transaction. I unlink and relink my bank in Simplifi, hoping that would compel it to slurp over the transaction so I could fix this nightmare. NOPE.
I finally get to a chat and describe to the "coach" the above. Explain that one had cleared and that I had linked it and now it was GONE. She obviously didn't read what I typed and said that pending transactions fall off (not on Simplifi, but that's quibbling at this point, because it. wasn't. pending.).
After she victim blames me a few more times she says there's nothing they can do, and yeah, sounds like Simplifi deleted a cleared transaction because it looked a lot like all the pending transactions, and Simplifi deletes duplicates (lol no they do not, I see SO many duplicates every weekend I've learned to ignore them).
I know I hate Monarch (I tried there before coming here). For those jumping ship again, since apparently the price is increasing on this steaming hot trash heap, where are you going?