Seventeen Reaching 10million Subs on YouTube Makes Me So Happy And It Made Me Go Down Memory Lane! What is Your Carat Story?

How did you get to Seventeen on Youtube? Was SVT your first group?

I wanted to discuss SVT reaching 10million! I am so happy! Thanks to this I was able to go on memory lane and it made me think of “hey, when did I sub to their Youtube??” I usually take so long to sub because usually YT just recommends me or shows me what I was last watching, so I watch away and its so, so its easy to forget to sub! I know I discovered them in 2015 right after MANSAE, but I didn’t realize my subbing took so long!

I went and did a little digging and found out when I Subbed and it was on Feb, 25 2016!! They reached 1 Million subs a year later on 2017 (i found it online) so I can officially say im a pre-Million-aire (?)

Thanks to this I was also able to find that my first KPop related sub on my YouTube channel was U-Kiss and my fourth was Seventeen! Oh how time flies! I had just turned 17 years old for the start of my KPop journey, and am currently 25, I wish I had discovered it sooner!

How old were you when you discovered SVT? Where they your first group? How did you end up subscribing to their YT? Please share if you’d like!