I (17) think the world is an amazingly beautiful mystery and I love living. Is anyone else like this?

Yes, I am the person who posted about how it is bad. But I heard the placebo effect works so let me cancel out the negativity.

I went on a hike and it felt very beautifully mesmerizing. I swear I sat next to the waterfall and I felt like I was in heaven, with everything coexisting. I know things suck in life but life is a gift to us.

The ability for us to conceive of subjective experiences is also pretty cool, also coming with the emotional depth. The ability for us to love each other, and care for each other is profound in ways you cannot explain with words. The deep level of care and togetherness we have as humanity and the improvements we are making year by year.

10,000 years ago, humanity was in chaos, everything sucked. Year by year, we worked hard to make life better for us, and with that came regression. We made profound mistakes and not every one of us wanted the best for us. We overcame lots of death, obstacles, and famine. Our ancestors endured a lot to birth this world to us. The fact that we came soo far shows us that progress is plausible and we can continue and will continue making life better for our future generation. I think we can live in a perfect world one day.

I love how I was born in this beautiful earth. I will try to make it even better. I also started smiling everyday to people, this way my mood will be amazing :)