I know, GURPS is flexy, but.

I just cannot decide if I want to go with a system that uses dice pool or D6 method or a percentile method for combat.

back in the day when I first picked up role-playing games the Gamma World system which was pretty much off of The Dungeons & Dragons template blueprint. I looked into that and played quite a few games with it. I then did a modernized bastardization of what if I remember critically was Rune Quest. that one was a system where the hit points changed very little but the skills leveled up. it would match up best for those not familiar with cyberpunk without the technological upgrades.

what I would like to find is something that I could start out with in a fantasy world and then with very little modification transferred over to a heavy-duty future world such as 38th century. this immediately eliminates GURPS Conan ( on my opinion ). What is a RPG system that fits these criteria well?