How does 3-FA interact with Pagoclone
Yo, so around 11 hours ago I took my first ever 50 mg 3-FA Pill, which lasted around 6 hours or so. (After that session, I took a break for about 1 hour.) At 12pm, I used another 50 mg 3-FA. So I played Video games till 3am and decided I want to sleep, so I took 20 mg of Pagoclone and went to Bed, few minutes later I begin to notice the effects slightly. But Because I am still high from the 3-FA, it felt like a mix between these drugs because on the one side I was very calm and relaxed but on the other side I was still stimulated and wakeful. Since that, I'm sitting in my bed geeking and scrolling, searching Reddit for answers.
So my Question (mb for the yapping) is how do these 2 Drugs interact with each other. Because I thought if you take Pagoclone(z-drug) it would block the effects of the remaining 3-FA, which I guess not true because I am still wide awake. So if someone has any experiences with these Drugs and their Interaction, please reply in the comments. :)