I don’t want to relocate to India with my husband

Tldr: I, European 26, f doesn’t want ro relocate to India with my husband Punjabi 29, m due to cultural differences and lifestyle changes being too much for me to handle.

My husband is a Punjabi and I am a European NZ. We have been married for three years and he has been living in New Zealand for 10 years. I have been to India many times for three months at a time each go.

My husband has decided he wants to relocate us to India permanently, I really don’t want to. I would never force him to distance himself from his roots but I honestly don’t think I could cope with India for atleast 6 - 8 months a year, he said we could visit NZ yearly apparently. I made a compromise with him that I visit India for three months a year and he can stay 6-8 months a year. He says life in India would be better for us because we would have more money and he has more connections in business there etc. My husband didn’t agree to this and said where ever and whatever the husband says the wife should follow. He said he Weill buy me a car in India and I can get a job teaching English to pre schoolers. I can only speak the basics on Punjabi and no one in Punjab but his parents and a few of his relatives who don’t speak English anyway.

I am really conflicted and cry about this often because I feel like I’m going to be giving up my freedom and individuality.

The times I have stayed in India have been hard at some points as my husbands house is rural and I can’t leave or go anywhere without him. I don’t get to wear what I like and to be honest if I say I don’t want to eat or drink something that is culturally Punjabi I found his family judged me so much. His parents also told me to stop watching English tv shows in the house. I followed their instructions and turned it off but felt super sad after wards.

I think that maybe I am being selfish for not wanting to live in India but I don’t want to be trapped with no where to go. I think I will go mad. Any insight on my situation would be appreciated. Sorry my paragraphs and words are all over the place, my thoughts in my head and just a mess at the moment.