Husband (36m) said something that broke my (39f) heart. How do I process it?

This is whether long… but bear with me, please.

Husband (36m) and I (39f) have been together for 12 years, 8 married and have a 2yo. In the beginning, we talked about been a child free couple, and that was fine with me. When Covid hit, I took a look at my life and saw that we both have stable jobs, didn’t have any grand plans (to buy a house, to chance professions) and thought that a kid wouldn’t really interfere with what ever life plans we had or would have. We talked at length about trying to conceive, and how a kid would give us a different experience out of our lives that seemed already so settled.

In the next 6 months, I got pregnant 3 times. The first was an anembryonic pregnancy - the egg gets fertilized and implants into the uterus but doesn't develop into an embryo. The next month, I got pregnant, but had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. It was easily the worst days of my life. Then, the very next month, I got pregnant again, and 39 weeks later, we had our baby boy.

The first 3 months were a whirlwind of sleep deprivation, chaotic days with me crying, the baby not nursing properly - he was admitted with jeunesse for lack of feeding-, had a tong tie, and torticollis. It was one of the most challenging periods of our life. We spent a lot on medical bills!

We didn’t have any support from family nor friends. We have a cleaning lady that comes in once a week. Our baby boy was one of those that would fuss +1h to get down to nap just to rest for 30-40 min, and would only sleep while nursed. I was fully on baby duty and exhausted. Husband was the one doing groceries and most of the meals, doing dishes, laundry.

 I went back to work at 7 months. We decided to hire a nanny. My husband rose to the part and took care of the baby by himself on weekends and holidays – I am essential worker (work on the subway) and have a work schedule of 3 x 2 (work 3 days in and off for 2), sometimes the 3 days in are Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

I know this is hard on him because his all by himself with our son until the nanny arrives or for most of the weekend – I work a 10 hour shift – from 5am util 3pm. To ease things for him, when I arrive, I take the shorter shower you’ve ever seen, don’t wash my hair on weekends, and take the baby duty util bedtime, when he comes in and reads a book.

Fast forward 2 years, and things have improved a ton! A 2yo is such a different kid! He’s so smart, asks for whatever snacks he wants, has his favorite books, is learning how to ride a balance bike, and even states when is tired and needs a rest – takes 2h-2h30 long naps, yay!  

I feel that motherhood chanced me a lot… for the better! I’m in awe of how he’s developing, how much his vocabulary is improving by the day, how smart and fun/ funny he is! He has the sweetest voice, gives the warmest of hugs, has the best laughter! I’m so in love, so infatuated by this tiny human that I made!

So the fairy-of-motherly-amnesia knocked on my door and I started talking about having a second baby. When said this, his first response was “I still don’t know if I want our first one, can’t imagine a second”. His wording was so weird to me. His the best of dads! Not only he pulls his weight around the house, he is also so caring, and fun with our son! I appreciate him so much, I always say what a good husband and father he is.

As the days went by, I tried talking about the topic of a second child with different approaches: asking what he thinks having a girl would be different than a boy, if he likes the names Andre and Lavinia, if we would get pregnant easily again.

Well, the other day, I was playing with our son in the living room, just soaking up how amazing he is, and said something like “how incredible is he? When I think about living a whole life without getting to know him, I realize now how much I would miss of having this opportunity, living these moments, and wouldn’t even know it! Because there’s no way you can actually know what this is like. I wouldn’t have lived a sad life or felt anything lacking. But this is a better life”.

He, then, said something in the lines of “I miss my old life. I miss walking up naturally (baby wakes up 6am tops!), I miss having me time, miss being alone in the house and watching a 3-hour-long documentary, miss not spending so much money, not having to go grocery shopping all the time, and not being so tired everyday”.

I said that I missed some of it too, but understood that all these changes were transitory, that things have improved so much in 2 years, and he’s growing up so fast, and in no time we would have that life back. That in the grand scheme, we would be more parents of and adult than parents of a toddler/ child. That in a few years, we would objectively have the same life of his brother and SIL  - who don’t want kids.

He said that just because it would look like the same life, doesn’t mean I would feel the same. “Yes, in 20 years, we’ll be ‘driving the same route’ but took different paths to get there, and for sure his (brother’s) path had way less stress, less worries, with more liberty and money. Once you’re a parent, there’s no looking back, you are forced to live a very different life. I love our son, he’s smart, and very cute, but I would take it back. I think my brother’s life will be smoother, with a ton of sleep, freedom and overall happier”.

I just stood there processing his words.

I love our life! I mistakenly thought that, because we are a couple, we were living and feeling the same things. I know I am seeing life with pink glasses, that maybe he didn’t think all of it so endearing, but I never thought that our views were drastically different.

Later that day, I apologized for trying to push the subject of a second baby. Said that I haven’t realized that he viewed things this way, and understood now that for him another kid was a hard no, and wouldn’t bring up the topic again. He said “thank you”.

I don’t know if I should bring this conversation up and understand better what he said. I see him laughing and complementing our kid and question whether it is genuine or not. I believe actions are louder than words. He’s being his typical self - very loving, always kissing us, cooking our favorite dishes, making plans to travel to a farm hotel so our son can meet some animals …but his words shook me.