Have you guys ever fallen asleep while watching a YouTube video or TikTok and had a dream surrounding the video you fell asleep watching?

So as I’m scrolling on instagram reels, I dozed off and I was watching the “ no more pomegranate” meme. Keep in mind I wasn’t in a deep sleep but I was asleep enough to still hear the video I was watching. It was playing over and over until I had a small dream where I was in English class and our teacher was screaming “no more pomegranates!!” Just like in the video, and I remember that the class was passing a pomegranate around the class until a student handed the teacher the pomegranate and she’s screaming no more pomegranates like in the actual viral video and the whole class loses it. Shortly after I wake up, the no more pomegranates video was still playing until I closed the app. Just wondering if anyone had a similar experience. This isn’t my first but most recent ( a few hours ago)