Old dog vs new puppy traits

Ok so I know you’re not meant to compare your old dog to your new dog, they’re different dogs, right? I LOVED my old girl, she was my heart and soul. Then I got a rage monster puppy and regretted everything. She’s 10 months now and calmed down a lot, but there’s one thing I can’t help missing in my old dog.

When she got sick, she had the decency to take about 10-15 seconds from start to finish. That gave me enough time to get her off the bed/couch/rug/whatever and to a puke-friendly place I could clean up easily.

This new pup (who I’ve come to LOVE too despite being so different), on the other hand, gives nearly zero warning. It’s just a Hock-Hock-Blap and boom, puke on my bed.

She can’t help it lol but it made me really appreciate my old dog more 🤣 puke warnings in dogs are underrated!

Is there anything about your puppy you wish you could change? Because if I could change only one thing, it would be that 😅🤣