Just got an idea for a screenplay
Just now, I was finishing up my hair and listening to music, and some lyric or other connected with my ADD brought me to the conclusion in my head that if Jesus was really around today, based on the actual values he espoused in the original scripture as well as his actions and the people that he associated with on Earth, he would probably be a punk, most likely a straight edger, but a punk nonetheless. I've been turning this over in my head for almost an hour, and the basic plot I somewhat have in my head is that Jesus would come to visit Earth, much like the Family Guy episode "I Dream of Jesus", and fall in with a group of punk rockers that he leads in a revolution against the evangelical grifters of the world, with a good portion of conflict in the story being Jesus grappling with how humanity has warped his teachings, and how he can make it right after he has been so preoccupied up in Heaven over the centuries. I am planning to have Jesus be Biblically accurate, (Middle-Eastern, Jewish, etc.). I am already planning to study the scripture as best I can as a measure to thin the potential controversy once the "Christians" who end up protesting the film over the depiction of Jesus are forced to admit that they have not read the full text of the Bible by using verses and passages in the film that are often overlooked by cherry picking preachers like Steven Anderson and his ilk. My basic question, is this. Does this idea hold any water?