Had my baby in the car
I’ve seen people give birth in the car on the way to the hospital but I never thought I would. I had been having contractions but they started to feel crampy at 7 pm and by 11 pm they were still inconsistent so I wasn’t really counting them yet. I didn’t expect to even go in the same night but they slowly got worse and I was waiting for them to be 5 mins apart consistently but I passed right over 5 and went to 1-3 mins apart so in my mind they weren’t consistent yet 🤦🏽♀️I was also shivering which I remember happened with my first and I was like yea let’s go some time around 2:30 thankfully the hospital isn’t far anyways. My husband was already ready to go because he was watching me but for some reason I didn’t really want to go because I thought they weren’t consistent enough. I got dressed through my contractions and we left. I couldn’t sit flat in the car because it was uncomfortable. As we were turning on the street right before the hospital I had to take my seatbelt off and basically stand because I was uncomfortable. I felt a ton of pressure and while I was half standing I felt my water gush and got the urge to push so I told him the baby was coming and he said ‘it is!?’ I put my legs up and took my pants off as he was turning into the hospital and I just pushed the baby out and I felt so relieved finally. The pushing made me feel so much better from the contractions so I just did. I put baby on my chest and pat him to make sure he was breathing and he cried a little. My husband parked and ran to get the people in the emergency room and thankfully it was night cause I was half undressed and had to get on a stretcher. I still couldn’t tell that baby was a boy yet but when we got inside they took me back, (after passing a million people looking on in the emergency room halls) and they took him and at that point I could tell. For me the pushing on my stomach to get the placenta out was part of the worst. I also got one stitch but I didn’t feel myself tear at all and tried to imagine the stitches like a piercing or something I think it helped. I never wanted an epidural if I didn’t need one anyways and I don’t love being In the hospital so this was honestly pretty great for me. My first was induced and I did get an epidural and being stuck laying down is really sucky. I had an induction scheduled for my due date Tuesday so I was really thinking he wasn’t going to come without it but I’m so glad he did.