Emotionally Immature Parents and coping while pregnant
Everyone wants to live in their bubble while pregnant and enjoy the ride as best we can, but goddamn our families can make it difficult. My SIL has been an trainwreck for the last 13 years while dragging my nephew along for the ride. Her recent relapse has yet again torn the family apart and I have absolutely had it with my parents response to the situation. Yet again they enable this woman and if I say anything in contrast to them or don't align with their decisions they emotionally and verbally abuse me. The pregnant one trying to advocate for a safe space for a child. Not only that, when we were arguing on Sunday my mom decided to tell me how hard of a day she had because her friends daughter had lost her baby at the same point in pregnancy as me. Like what a monster to use that to gain sympathy while also screaming at me. Anyway, I went to the hospital after having a meltdown for an NST because all of this combined caused me to doom spiral. The next day my husband told her that we had gone to the hospital and her response was to say she had such a hard day and didn't even get out of bed until 2pm. That I had triggered her to feel like the days after my brother died from his addiction. Completely selfish and delusional
Anyway, today I start with a new addiction and family focused therapist and eventually want to have a session with her. I've also rented the 'children of emotionally immature parents' entire series from the library including the journaling and self-care guide. It breaks my heart to have to think of distancing them at the end of my pregnancy and likely after giving birth, but they are truly causing harm to this pregnancy.
To all the other moms to be, guard your sanity and self worth. Not everyone needs access to you and we can advocate for the pregnancy we want and deserve 💓