NIPT test results confirm my dream!
I had a vivid dream about a month after finding out I'm pregnant that led me to believe I was having a boy. It was like I was seeing the future so realistically I woke up crying! In the dream I was standing at the foot of our bed and my husband was laying next to this sweet chunky baby boy just staring lovingly at him. It felt so real and he felt so real!
It was such a short dream, but this isn't the first time I've had 'visitors' come at night. When my brother passed he left a newborn son and when he was about 3 years old I had a dream he came to visit us one night while babysitting. I was annoyed with him at first for not coming sooner and he said he was really busy, but that he had been watching us raise him and that he was a really good boy. It felt so real when I woke up it filled my heart with joy 💓
I hope he's getting sweet uncle time with the little chunk before he comes Earth side!