The Ultimate Poker Would-You-Rather
The poker gods have decided to gift one lucky poker player with a choice. Funnily enough, out of all the options they chose you. Your two options are as follows:
Option A) 1/2 of all your future NLHE hands will be dealt as per normal procedure. However the other 1/2 will be any possible suited combo, ranging from 72s to AKs.
The catch is as follows: if you see a flop and you have ANY possible draw you are guaranteed to make it by the river. E.g. you have 97 of diamonds and the flop comes A2T no diamonds. The turn and river will be guaranteed to make you a straight (either 8,J or 8,6).
Option B 1/2 of all your future NLHE hands will be dealt as per normal procedure. However the other 1/2 will be dealt from a small pool of hands: pocket pairs from 22s up to AAs and strong aces ranging from AJo up to AKs.
You get no additional help postflop.
Which option will it be and why?
The poker gods are happy to answer any and all follow up questions.