What are some simple but effective strategies you came up with playing this game?
This game can get pretty daunting, especially with the way it throws competitive strategies at you and hope you can beat it. What are some methods you came up with which take the opponent by surprise?
For me, it’s got to be Technician Breloom with Loaded Dice. Bullet Seed will hit 5 times and with Technician, it means each hit is around 37 BP, which make it a total of 185 BP, and that’s not factoring in STAB. It will tear through most walls, Mimikyu disguise, substitution and Focus Sash. I once the opponent tries to stall me with a tanky Pokemon, Breloom comes out to tear it down. Slap on Spore, Drain Punch and Mach Punch for good measure and this boy has saved me more times than I can count.
Would love to hear your expert strats you came up with on the fly.