PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games. Does that surprise you?
PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games apparently lol. This is kinda funny to me bc I was just thinking how my best friend has spent over 3k hours in Fallout New Vegas and 2k in Skyrim. I also had an itch earlier this week and binged old Wolfenstein and Ultimate Doom Plutonia episode classic boomer shooters .. I haven't had this much fun in years. Damn. The last "new" game I got excited for was starfield and that game was a dumb mess. Really got my hopes up. The outer worlds was also pretty disappointing. I feel like newer games are really letting me down a lot lately.
I'd give anything to have like a modern update for all my favorite old games from Windows 95 to XP era, old Nintendo games, and be able to play them comfortably on Windows 11 in full 1080p full screen lol