My twins fight eating/won't eat and they are causing extreme stress on our family

First off, I am so thankful for this sub. My husband and I are at our wits end. We have fraternal b/g twins that are 5.5 months old. Since about 2.5 months old, they have fought eating tooth and nail. Right now, they typically eat 1.5- 2 oz every 3 hours during the day and maybe 4 oz three times a night. They will start crying like they are hungry at 2 hrs but if we feed them, they'll eat a few sips and that is it. I am up on average 8 times a night with the worse twin and my husband 3-4 times with the better twin. They NEVER eat in the morning. It doesn't matter if they ate last at 2 am or 5 am, they will eat maybe 1-2 ounces before noon.

We literally have to swaddle and restrain the boy to get him to eat anything. The girl will start out okay then fight at an ounce. Then every fifteen minutes she wants a few more sips.

We have talked to the pediatrician and they have no suggestions at this point. We have tried different formula, different bottles and nipples, shorter feeding windows, longer feeding windows, reflux meds and interventions, syringe feeding, spoon feeding formula, trying to feed them by themselves in the dark. We started solids for the boy on advice of the pediatrician because his weight was so low. He has been generally amenable to this and his weight has come up some.

But between them screaming all day and fighting eating (which is really stressing out us and our toddler) and the total lack of sleep at night, we are just at a breaking point. We can't go anywhere or do anything because our entire day is consumed by just trying to feed them. It's mental torture forcefeeding them. Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, what did you do to help fix it?