Overheard from my apartment's parking lot
I was walking my dog late in the evening and I hear a car's Bluetooth. I'm like 30 feet away. Of course its loud and I can hear everything that the speaker is saying and nothing from my neighbor, the driver. The speaker is talking about what she bought from an earlier shopping trip, talking about baskets and linens like she's decorating a room. And then suddenly the speaker says "You know I'm just not that comfortable with you driving intoxicated." I'm just casually waiting for my dog to do her business like I'm not trying to listen to a stranger's entire conversation but its pretty easy to when it comes out of stadium speakers. I look over instantly, don't know if the neighbor says something while her hand is rubbing her face, and the speaker starts trailing off like that just didn't happen. I hope people with car Bluetooth knows we can HEAR everything.