Is being overweight unattractive?

hey yall! I just am at my wits end rn and need to vent/ask. I (18+ f) am overweight. Like size XXL. I have a medical condition that makes my metabolism really really slow, and even though I work out everyday and eat healthy, I still lose like only 2 pounds a month. But so is life. I’ve recently started to want to get out there. I’m young, in college, and everyone I know has had their first partner by now. I feel like I’m falling behind. And I want it. Like so so so badly. But I can’t stop myself from wondering if I’m just setting myself up for embarrassment? I know realistically, that there are so many plus sized women with great partners, great love life’s etc. hell, my mom bagged a man who loved her for 15 years. And then many more after. But every time I want to make that leap, I feel like my skin is too hot. That I’ll get that fatal up and down look and a rejection. And sometimes, that’s ok. I just think I need reassurance. From people who like plus sized women or don’t even care about weight. I feel like i get passed over every time I go out. And I want to stop feeling that way and take charge. Thank you.