Long story as short as possible:
So from the time I was really young till I was 11-12, I lived with my grandparents, I then moved in with my biological mom and stepfather, I'm 15 now and It feels as though my life has consistently spiraled downhill since I moved in from living in a camper to hotels. all the friends I had apart from one (which I'm not even allowed to speak to currently) are gone, and everything I liked to do or hoped to do when I got older I'm told I can't. Everything I want feels so out of reach and is just constantly pushing down on me causing depression. One thing I loved to do over the years was play Fortnite with my aunt and some other friends, when I moved in with my parents they said NOT ALLOWED. Well, I did it anyway and now I Can't touch a video game till I turn 18. I just feel as if it's not fair I'm told I can't do the things I've done my entire life. (Yes I know life's not fair but still...) I feel robbed of the things I've always enjoyed. Right now my life consists of living in a hotel wishing I had my own space again, constantly crying, and being depressed because the only comfort I can find is in food which is making me gain weight.
If you have read this far thank you it really means a lot to me 💜💚