A suggestion for Director/Actor profiles

Hey all! Let me start off by saying that I love this app and am happy to call myself a paying customer. I use the app daily and have found it to be mostly flawless.

I did however notice something today that I feel could be improved upon. I've come to realise that if you enter into an actors profile from the "Cast" section, it only displays projects that they have acted in. If you enter their profile via the "directed by" section it only shows projects they have written or directed.

For instance, today I went to see if Benny Safdie had done anything since The Curse. To get to Safdies profile I search "The Curse" and access his profile via the link in the "Cast" section. This page only shows projects Benny has acted in, the last of which being The Curse. If I access his profile by searching "Uncut Gems" and access his profile via the "Directed By" section, it only shows projects he's written, prodiced and directed. The latest of with is Ren Fare. Then if I look his name up it shows the latest thing he's worked on as Smashing Machine.

Personally I'd like to see all of an artists projects listed on the same page, as some lesser known name won't come up in a search and the only way to access them is by searching for projects that they have appeared in/worked on.