People think we were murdering patients during covid?

I just met a...colorful individual who, within seconds of talking went on a rant about how nurses and doctors were intentionally killing patients who had covid by intubating them (they called it the "protocol"). This person also subsequently said that covid wasn't real. Anyway, this was followed up by "there will be a reckoning for the all the murder" and "how could they watch people die like that?". This person also claimed to know more than "most doctors, despite not being a doctor". It might be the area of the US that I live in that I've never come across such an individual like this one but I was wondering if anyone else has ever had an encounter with someone who thinks like this? I didnt even attempt to educate him because these people would argue that the sky is purple if they watched one YouTube video that some asshole made to tell them that the sky was purple.