Omniplex have just changed to tiered pricing for Omnipass and other tickets

Really disappointed by this - seems that EVERYTHING is tiered pricing these days and Omniplex have just jumped on the bandwagon. Received this email today detailing how the Omnipass will be changing again for the second time in 6 months.

They now have several tiers of seating, with Standard Super Saver being the cheapest and only seats you can book using Omnipass now. As you can imagine, these are the front rows and the type of seats you have to crane your neck to see the screen. If you want to sit in the 'Standard' or 'Standard Saver' seats, you'll have to pay extra.

I was happy paying the extra £5 a month whenever they increased the price last year, but even with the price decrease here down to £11.99, I think this seals the deal and I'll be cancelling my subscription. I love going to the cinema, but this just feels so gross. Really a shame because Omniplex felt like the last cinema chain to have reasonable pricing, good quality seating and a great range of films available.

If they had kept the premium tier, with the included benefit of just sitting where I want, I think I probably would've stayed. What are your thoughts? Is this the beginning of the end for cinema or am I overreacting a bit?