Should I change my name to succeed?

I am a first-gen immigrant (US-born and raised) with a very distinctive name that is hard for most people who are not from my background. It has five syllables and includes sounds that do not exist in English. Our language uses the Latin alphabet but some of the letters are used to represent different sounds, so there are letter combinations that just look like a random sequence to someone who only knows English.

I am grappling with whether to change my name/start going by a nickname or shortened version of my name in the hospital. I can tell my name is limiting me on rotations. Whenever someone has to manually retype my name for official documents (which is more often than you would think), they make a mistake about 50% of the time--my driver's license was misspelled, my med school ID was misspelled, even the name on my college diploma was misspelled. I might have to correct residents and attendings five times before they even get something close, and I have noticed if they need to pick someone for a learning opportunity, they will usually pick someone else to avoid trying to say my name. I have not been able to cultivate any lasting mentorships with residents or attendings like my classmates have and I wonder how much of it is people do not remember my name after the end of a rotation--when you do not know someone's name, it is basically impossible to progress to any deeper relationship. People will often ask "is there something else I can call you" and I have to awkwardly reply "no". I have also wondered if this will limit my future practice as patients do not want a doctor who is "FOB".

In my culture names are considered sacred. Changing your name is one of the biggest taboos there is--a bit hard to explain if you didn't grow up in it, but part of it is a stigma of trying to "escape your reputation", and part of it is that it is seen as a rejection of your family. The taboo is not just on legally changing your name (which my culture historically had no concept of) but on asking to be called or going by something that is not your name, which includes nicknames. Ngl I think this would actually be a surprisingly big deal for me but at the same time I understand relationships are a big part of succeeding in medicine and for better or for worse this has been a barrier to forming these relationships.