Whom should I marry?

Whom should I marry?

I am really very confused about whom to marry. Actually I am having two choices. 1. Marrying my cousin who's father is rich and yet does pretend to live a very simple life. They live in Karnataka in a village but has a good business. They earn a lot of money out of those. To be very specific, I'm not interested in anyone's money but my mom is. My mom says me that if I marry that girl then everything will be fine and my engagement, marriage and my self respect amongst the people will increase. But, I don't want to marry her because she does not look that good and also she is just matric pass student.

  1. Marrying a women who looks beautiful and earns some money along with me so that we can live peacefully. I am also currently doing a job and I am an Engineer.

I'm really confused whether I should look for a beautiful women who does some job or a rich dad girl with simple living nature?