[NO SPOILERS] Double Exposures is bad, and not worth your money or time.

Just a disclaimer, I love the first game. I picked it up, and simply could not put it down until I finished it at 4AM in the morning. I was utterly captivated by the story, the vibe, and intrigue of the original LiS. It’s easily of the best of the narrative-driven genre.

I loyally bought Before the Storm and LiS 2, and they were okay. I got True Colours day 1 at full price, but was ultimately disappointed and regretted the buy. Suffice to say, I do think the series has had a sharp fall since the original, which leads me to think that first game was simply a “lightning in a bottle” case. Nonetheless, I considered LiS to be a decent series as a whole.

But for this new game, after having gone through the first 2 episodes, I can only just say that this game is simply not going to be worth the asking price or even the time dedicated to absorbing it. Not just because it utterly fails to capture the spirit of the first game despite baiting us with Max, but also because it just fails as its own thing. So to make it clear: this is NOT just because I wanted more Pricefield.

The fact is, this game is utterly LIFELESS! The ambience is dead, the vibe is flat, the character dynamics are uninteresting and lack any worthwhile thematics, the music doesn’t stick in my head like they did for the prior games, and this repetition of the “Who did it??” mystery once again has grown tiresome and will in all likelihood never match the high of the original game.

When factoring in that this is essentially a direct sequel to the first game however, it gets even worse. Conceptually, continuing with Max was simply a poor idea, a sequel that was doomed to failure due to how the original game ends. There is a rule with any piece of media that you should generally focus on the most interesting part of someone’s life, and this game fails to do this completely.

But even just that aside, when you’re promoting the return of Max, that gives people the impression some form of continuation whether it be in her relationships or in her own personal growth. This is completely out the window when she is dropped into an entirely new setting, surrounded by entirely new characters, and even an entirely new power! Bringing Max back does absolutely no more for this game than just having a new character would… oh, of course! They need to bait people with a familiar character to get them to buy this absolutely soulless game.

It’s bad. Simply the worst LiS yet, unless those last 3 episodes are INCREDIBLE! Which I highly, highly doubt will be the case.

The ending of the original game was perfect, this is just a cashgrab from a series that is clearly creatively bankrupt. D9 should be ashamed of themselves for digging up this beloved character just to do this with her.

Anyways, rant over. This game is bad, save your money. Or not, do what you like! But you really shouldn’t give money to see this slop.

Thanks for reading!