Joseph Aoun as President?
Clickbait title, but here's a few political initiatives of the past few days for those who have missed them.
- Le Drian (French envoy/diplomat) is doing a tour of the head political figures in the country: Mikati, Berri, Jumblat, Geagea, Bassil, Franjieh, Raad, Joseph Aoun, etc..
- Mikati and Netanyahu will both be in New York tomorrow for diplomatic purpose and the UN general assembly
- Lebanon's speaker (Abdallah Bouhabib) is set to talk tomorrow afternoon (New York time) at the UN
- Qatar donated $15M to the Lebanese army, and there's a €1B package from the EU still to be unlocked
- Le Drian proposed electing Joseph Aoun as president and letting him elect a new commander to replace him as the head of the army. He proposes a ceasefire/truce that would liberate the South by sending 15k army personnel, respect of 1701 and 1949 borders, while also involving a coalition/negotiation between France/USA/Iran/EU/Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Egypt, which all agree on his initiative
This seems like a bold and ambitious feat, probably very risky, but that, if achieved, would at least give us time to breath.
What do you think, have you been following this? Does diplomacy still have a place, or it won't end until blood flows in our rivers?