Anyone going through a job search right now?

I was laid off, and ever since I’ve been trying to get another job. I did 5 interview and didn’t get even a single rejection letter. Companies are being extremely picky, asking for references, requiring multiple interview for a low salary, they even tell you one day prior to the interview. Sometimes in the end they don’t ask you if you have any questions, they don’t tell you thank you for your time. My last interview, the interviewer straight up told me that they’ll interview 12 people, and only 5 will get to the second round.

My last job search was very different, I wasn’t asked for references, there was only one interview, the HR would fill your application, instead of telling you to fill it yourself, they used to be much more respectful, sometimes they even asked me to determine the time of the interview. At the end of the interview they would tell you thank you for your time, and escort you out, instead of letting you wander around.

My theory is because of the war, a lot of jobs were lost, and there is more unemployed people looking for jobs. So there is a lot of candidates for a small amount of jobs. So companies can afford to be extremely picky.