I want to revert back to Islam
I hope I don't come across as disrespectful, but I was born a Muslim and as I grew older I stopped practicing the religion and prayer. My life didn't go the way I wanted it to and it wasn't until one night where I broke down, cried and prayed to Allah for the strength to continue when I started to truly believe again. The next morning, I felt like a completely new person, the person I wanted to be, it was as if my prayers had been answered. Anyway, I made a promise to myself that I would revert back to Islam, observe Ramadan and fast for the full 30 days, but I'm not sure where to start. I haven't been to the mosque yet, I don't fully remember how to pray properly and I know there's a lot I need to learn/re-learn. What would be my best course of action or any advice on what I should do? I appreciate any help. Thank you.