"Honey, there's someone at our house with a gun!"

You live in a rural area in the woods with a large distance between other houses and are on a business trip 2 hours away by flight

In this scenario your wife has been cut off from civilization by a serial killer who has cut not only the lights to your apartment but has somehow managed to cut off emergency services to the area via felling 3 large trees on on the road leading to your home 10 miles back.

Your wife has no weapons the killer will be able to bypass both your security system and pick your front doors lock within 20 minutes. This will continue for 24 continuous hours of occupation.

This sick fuck will search the entire property but since it's rural we assume it's a 3 to 4 acre property and there IS places for your wife to hide.

Since emergency services are cut off from the area by phone and by the road itself you figure the only way to save your wife is to arm yourself and take the 2 hour flight back but it's delayed for 1 hour.

What do you advise your wife to do until you can get back to your home which will take at most 5 hours to do so she survives for you to arrive?