Wheat and gluten intolerance?
I figured out about a year ago that I'm wheat intolerant. Even the smallest contamination effects me very quickly.
I feel like it effects me faster and harder the longer I go without it.
I'm currently preparing for a celiac test, so started eating rye and barley the last 3 days. Only today did I start having symptoms which looked like what my symptoms are with wheat. I was convinced I would be ok with gluten, as I didn't notice ill effects after small amounts, perhaps because the effect wasn't immediate?
Going to carry on eating rye and barley for a few more days as I'm really keen to know if this continues or if it's just a fluke reaction. I definitely can't carry on the 6 weeks if I am reacting to the gluten though, so feel the blood test would be pointless as it won't be accurate, but the Dr didn't understand that you need to eat gluten for an accurate celiac test and now I'm doubting myself.
Are there many people in here who react both to gluten, and all forms of wheat (including wheat forms which no longer contain gluten). I feel like a freak anomaly to have both a gluten intolerance and a wheat specific intolerance.
Feeling bummed out to be feeling like this again with the constant wondering what the problem is. It feels so debilitating.
Researching on here as I'm in the UK and medical care is appalling here.
Also I got a cold sore since re starting gluten. I've not had one in ages and wonder if it's related.