Which professional courses (providers) are most recognized / well seen in Germany, excluding Uni/Ausbildung?
Good afternoon,
I've moved to Germany 3 years ago, I have learned German (I did the Integrationskurs, but after that I have learned way more by working, I am unsure of my current level but I would place myself somewhere in between B1 and B2) and I have a completed Ausbildung in my home country (Italy) for Event Management.
I started working in this country in a Warehouse (when I still couldn't speak German very well, I took the first job that I could) and after learning the language more and more, I found myself with a nice job offer to "step up" from warehouse worker to "Inbound Admin", where now I work in the Offices of said Warehouse and because of my position I use SAP /EWM and /PRD. On top of this I took over the role of Quality Control Specialist since the person that was responsible for it is on parental leave. I am excited to be able to put these new skills onto my CV.
Now, I am satisfied with my job and pay for now, but I would like to join some courses and/or certifications that would allow me to get a better job in the future.
On the internet, there are hundreds if not thousands of course providers, and I am confused as to which ones are "legit" or most recognized by employers. Could you help me? I only found CompTIA that was recommended to me. I am looking for anything IT related, Data Analysis and such. I would prefer to find something that I can learn on my own pace and try the exam once I think I am ready. I work full time 40h/week and because of expenses I can't allow myself to work Teilzeit (Girlfriend is in her second year of ausbildung for MFA). If it's relevant, we live near Braunschweig, Niedersachsen.
I will also of course keep on learning german, since I do plan on staying in this beautiful country for the long run. Thank you in advance for your help!