Would the developed world be better off adopting Japan’s immigration policy?
We can see this now with Britain’s big anti immigrant riots.
To put it absolutely bluntly, every developed western nation loathes immigration. UK (Brexit and now this), Canada/Australia (international students controversy), USA (border wall), Western Europe (far right rising all over the place).
But skilled immigration is needed to combat low birth rates — as low birth rates mean a stagnating economy, wages, etc. and smaller pensions.
But let’s compare this to Japan, a nation where immigration has never been a thing really (even though it’s more open these days and is not as hard as stereotyped). Japan has never been an immigrant nation, it’s birth rates dropped —- economy has stagnated since the 1990s.
Yet in Japan you never see massive protest and anger amongst the population. In fact they seem very content with their situation.
From what I see, the Japanese would prefer a stagnant economy and zero immigration over a “growing” economy with high immigrations. Japan has affordable housing, yet Japanese wages are also getting much much smaller relatively. Japanese tourists in the 1980s were known as being super rich abroad— nowadays Japanese people don’t even get passports as they can not afford to go abroad that much with dwindling salaries (much lower than salaries in Australia, Canada, Britiain, Holland etc).
Japan was extremely rich in the 1980s and 1990s relative to the world — a GDP per capita more than the US. They had zero immigration to combat an aging populace. Japanese wages used to compete with Australian salaries in the 1990s, now they are way lower. Australia has been an immigrant country and Japan hasn’t — and immigration dominates Australian politics and subreddits as the big issue for everything economy and housing related, whilst Japan doesn’t have much debate with immigration and seems much more content than Australia despite seeing its salaries stagnate and look much worse than Australian ones these days.
My question is, why does not the west follow Japan’s model if it detests migration so much.