How stereotypically gay is your musical taste?
Asked this on r/askgaybros and r/AskGaybrosOver30 with amazing response. Something different and something fun so I wanted to ask it here because the convo it has elicited is awesome....people sharing musical interests with each other, but also the variety in many people's musical tastes beyond the general stereotype of a queer man and what queer men tend to listen to! Music is a great way to share culture and share different interests with one another and often says a lot about one's personality!
Of course, not that there's anything wrong at all with preferring more traditionally gay music lol I'm definitely one of those boys. I use the word stereotypical because, obviously, preferring certain brands of music over others doesn't make anyone any more or less gay than anyone else, but we know how dominated the culture tends to be with the Chappelle's and Charlie XCX's of today....and Gaga, of course. Madonna and Britney in the past.
I'm a Kylie gay all the way. I do branch out a little bit, but honestly I can listen to Kylie and Britney basically all day. Sabrina Carpenter is amazing to me. I like plenty of others. Beyonce of course. I honestly find it funny how much I love Kylie's makes me laugh....I just fucking love her so much, but I grew up with Can't Get You Outta My Head.
Wanted to know if you all had musical tastes that are more true to the stereotypical form of a queer man, if your tastes are diverse, or if your tastes are a bit more unconventional for a queer man!