Delayed AGAIN

Pre-ordered my buds 3 Pro July 14th over here in the UK.

Original delivery date 05/08 which got delayed to 19/08 which is now delayed to 30/08

I'm honestly doubtful they turn up on the 30th either but maybe third times the charm.

I understand they've had trouble with QC but the communication about it has been awful, I haven't had any emails about a reason for the delays, only that they are delayed.

Buds 2 pro are my all time favourite earphones however mine are on their way out due to a tiny bit of water damage so all I want atm are a new pair of buds.

Genuinely considering cancelling and buying another pair of similar priced reputable earphones.

This is the first time I've preordered from Samsung and needless to say it'll be the last.