Should I stop talking to them?

So im a (17M) and I have a group of friend to I talk to since middle school but rn they are really hurting me and my feelings but idk I feel like I don’t have the courage to stand up for myself

It’s been like this since I’ve started talking to that one girl, like she didn’t do anything to them but they seem so jealous or smthing like that, they constantly picking on me, telling me my gf is btch and other sort of insults, I’ve started to ignore them and to become distant to them but I don’t have the courage to stop talking to them for good bcs they’ve been my friend since long times but they seem to hate only on me, Ive reached a point where I fear to even respond to them or go in vc whit them and it’s really taking a toll on my mind these days, like the girl is sweet whit them and everything they just seem so odious for nothing, and it’s not like they don’t have gf or crush but they just tell me that they’re gf are not btch and that they want to marry them and me no like they’re some saints

Please suggest me I’m really lost